少年酒杯盛山河,江風引渡入夢鄉. 少年手持酒杯,杯中盛著的不是瓊漿玉液,而是化作浩瀚山河的清酒。江風拂面,如同一雙温柔的手,將少年送入由酒意編織的夢鄉。 歷史淵源
Do you keep seeing 1122 or 11:22 everywhere? This is a message from the Universe that you are on the right track and you have the power to create your future with positive thoughts. Learn the spiritual meaning of 1122 and how to empower your past, present, and future with this number. See more
少年酒杯盛山河 江風 - 11-22 -